You are never ready to say goodbye, to someone you love..
If it were up to me, dear Dad, I'll always keep you here. But somewhere someone had other plans for you..

My arms are empty and my heart are filled with tears, and grief. For us who loved each day with you. It's hard to find the strength to move on. I know that if I could see heaven, I would know that you are happy there. And that you found a better place. I do miss you everyday, and I try really hard to always keep my head up high.
I want you to know that I love you, and that I will see you again, maybe not today. But when the time is right.

Happy birthday Dad.

1965 08 13

4 kommentarer:

  1. Så fina ord, och håller med dig i var och ett. Men jag hoppas att jag får ha dig hos mig länge länge....
    Men det är en viss "konstig" styrka att veta att vi kanske ser Pappa en dag...inte sen.
    Älskar dig mitt hjärta <3

  2. Förstår inte varför det blev denna text???
    Skrev en annan!

  3. Men älskar dig och saknar dig och står självklart för det jag skrev :). Lite lurigt bara...
